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Gender Roles and Mental Wellness

Gender equality   Dear men, you are not weak when you show vulnerability. Your tears and fears matter just as much as those of the women around you. Men often carry the burden of family responsibilities and workload, feeling the need to armor themselves with toughness and inflexibility, which can harm their mental health. At […]

Smoking Cessation

Nurture a permanent disinterest in smoking   When a client comes in, I’ll start with: “What would you like to work on today?” Typical responses include: I want to stop smoking. My friend quit smoking, and I want to stop too. I’m spending too much on cigarettes. My health is at risk, and I need […]

Happiness is Love

Your Priority Love is Self-Love When you practice self-love, you gain confidence and become ready to face any challenge that comes your way. The way you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you, so entering a relationship with a strong sense of self is essential. Ultimately, no one else can provide […]